SAP Assessments & SAP EPCs are required for new and converted Domestic Dwellings and must be conducted by an accredited ‘On Construction Energy Assessor’ (OCEA / OCDEA / SAP Assessor).
SAP Assessments are normally carried out at both the Design Stage and again at the Built Stage. This ensures (in advance) that the planned building is going to be fully compliant with Part L of the Building Regulations once it’s completed (when it would be more expensive to make changes), as well as ensuring that producing the final compliance documentation and EPC is a quick and easy process.
SAP Assessments are generally done from the drawings and the construction specifications so it is not always necessary to visit site however new buildings also need to have a final Air Tightness Test (Air Permeability Test) which does require a site visit. The results of the Air Tightness Test are required for the SAP Calculations and the results of the SAP Calculations are required to produce the SAP EPC so these activities are best conducted by the same organisation.
New Buildings often require additional calculations to be produced such as bespoke Thermal Bridging (PSI Values), Ventilation Calculations, and Water Efficiency Calculations to be completed. We are fully accredited to produce these in addition to SAP, EPC and Air Tightness Testing.
Thermal Bridges are junctions, corners, joins and edges or changes in materials such as fixings and fittings, studwork and mortar that act as thermal conductors of heat from the inside to the outside of the building. Their effect needs to be reduced as much as possible and is defined using a PSI value which can be calculated for each junction (relying on the default values within the SAP software may not be sufficient to fully comply with building regulations).
Ventilation & Water calculations are also required to be produced by Part L1A of the UK Building Regulations but may be completed by your architect (if not we may be able to help with these).
We need scaled floorplans, elevations and (if it has sloped-vaulted ceilings) section drawings in addition to specifications for materials, construction methods, space and water heating, lighting and ventilation. The more detailed the better and the more accurate (and faster) we can be with our calculations so we will ask you to complete a SAP Questionnaire to ensure that we have everything we need to complete your assessment as quickly as possible.
Once we have all the information that we need your SAP Assessment can take just a day or so to complete however getting all the information together can sometimes take a little more time which is why it is important to methodically work through our SAP Questionnaire and make sure you provide us with as much detail as possible.
If we find any potential compliance issues during your Design Stage SAP Assessment we will provide specific recommendations that you can incorporate in your design in order to achieve compliance. Assuming you do not make any significant changes to the design during construction you can be assured that at completion the building will be fully compliant with Part L of UK Building Regulations and that your final As-Built SAP Assessment will be quick and easy to complete.
Call Us:
07771 662357
EPC Assess Ltd
*minimum of 10 units up to 50m². **minimum of 10 units including SAPs.